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วันพุธที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Sex Change Surgery

Sex Change Male to Female

Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Thailand
Offers you with 10-20% off on its cosmetic procedures
if you book this month.

For more questions and inquiries please contact:
Mobile : +66863984177
WhatsApp : +66863984177
Line ID : AsiaCosmeticHospital
Skype : AsiaCosmeticThailand
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Sex Change

Many transgender wanted to have their sex or gender changed to feel the freedom and confident. Before proceeding with the surgery, a patient has the right to know what the real meaning of sex change is. So what really sex change is?

There are multiple names associated with sex change and these includes sex reassignment surgery, gender reassignment, SRS, genital reconstruction surgery, sex realignment, and sex affirmation surgery. Sex change is a surgical procedure that alters and changes the resemblance of a person to another gender. It happens when a person’s physical and functional characteristic are altered. Sex change is part of a treatment for gender disorder for transsexual and or transgender. It is done to people who suffer intersex which often performed during infancy. There is another term for SRS which are sex reconstruction surgery, and there is also the gender confirmation surgery. While the medical term used for trans women are feminizing genitoplasty or penectomy, vaginoplasty, and orchiectomy. While the medical term used for trans men are masculinizing genitoplasty and phalloplasty. Patient who undergo sex reassignment surgery are now referred to as transsexual while patients who pursue SRS are identified as transgender. Above information are just few things you need to know about sex change.
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